Thread: sound formats?
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Old 08-14-2006, 03:56 PM   #6
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How are you burning the disk?

If you are using nero you need to make sure that you specify that you want to burn an audio cd. You can't create a data cd with 11 wav files and expect a CD player to play it.

Also, if you cannot set the booktype for the disk many players will not play cd-r or cd-rw's. Not all CD burners let you change the booktype of the the disk.

Booktype basically tells the player what kind of disk it is. So your basic booktypes are CD-rom and DVD-rom. These will be the booktypes for disks that you buy from a manufacturer. Either new music cd's or movies on DVD.

By default almost all cd and dvd burners will assign the booktype of cd-r or cd-rw to burnable CD's. However, there are burners with custom firmware that allow you to change the booktype. So you can burn a CD-r as a CD-rom and then older players that usually won't play burnable disks MAY play them...

There are also issues with the exact type of disk as somebody else has mentioned. I have a mitsubishi DVD player that will not play Fujifilm DVD+r discs. It will only play fujifilm DVD-r's that have had the booktype changed to dvd-rom.

The best site to learn about all of this is
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