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Old 08-02-2005, 09:32 PM   #16
doesn't care about you.
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Originally Posted by Tyler
I say for those of you that want a S/C on your car with Semi high mileage your better off buying a new/used engine if your in it for the long haul. Why put a S/C on a car with 70,xxx+ when your just harming the engine for the long road. Better off saving up you 3 grand for the S/C and put it aside for a used 3.0l engine . Then you'll have 250+ hp and you don't have to s/c it and take away ur engines life. Plus any other engine than the M42 and M44 you can do mods to it alot more mods. If you are to S/C ur car it's better off doing it when it's new not with xx,xxx mileage. Cause if you can have a S/C for 3 grand and get what 200hp or like 160 to the wheels why not save up 5-6 grand and get twice the amount of hp. I guarantee my car with 85,xxx will last longer than anyones ti with a S/C on it.

Sorry for the rambling on....
Just trying to open peoples eyes up alittle.
I haven't heard of anyone having problems with supercharging a high mileage 318ti. I put mine on at 100,000 miles and haven't had any problems, it's fast, and it still has the factory weight distribution. I just turned 120,000 miles yesterday, I drive it everyday for work (about 80 miles a day) and it is the most reliable car I have ever owned. Oh, and I get over 30 mpg. And I didn't have to yank my motor or ECU or EWS or suspension or exhaust or radiator.

'99 Dinan M3
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