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Old 10-27-2008, 03:50 PM   #14
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Thanks guys for all your responses I am not new to BMW driving aids, I had a 98' 318ti Sport (with ASC+T), Then I had a 01' M Roadster, and then I had a 04' M3 SMG... Let me just state that after the car reaches a certain angle, Traction Control won't be of much use, and it becomes a problem (since you can't use the power in the engine to correct the vehicle). I never had a problem in the WET with the 318, the ASC light only came up just a few times in the couple years I had it, but the M Roadster NEEDED traction control on at ALL times... I can say that this vehicle was the most undersold car on BMW's part. They were pushing the e46 M3 at the time, so of course why would they say this car was FASTER.... and it sure was... but all that FAST goodness came with a price of driving on a double edged knife that could come back and bite you in the ass at any point... This is the only car I have had that has lost control on the highway by hydroplaning, Traction did nothing for me, luckily I ended up on the grass median after spinning out and doing about 3 360's. The only car I've had that after 100 MPH you literally felt the rear end of the car "lift and Bobble", it has to be one of the uneasiest feelings in the world when driving at such speeds and feeling your butt going up, down, and side to side... But is has been the funnest most insane ride I have ever owned, and FASTEST!... If anyone can snatch up a 01'-02' M Roadster/Coupe do it!... you won't regret it, unless you drive like an ass The e46 M3 wasn't the fastest car I've ever had, but it sure was the most steadfast, road-holding beast, I've ever owned. I have yet to drive another car that gives me the same sensation of control on the twisty roads... This one the first thing I did was turn off Traction as soon as I engaged the engine, the only times I ever turned it on were on the wet just for a bit of reassurance. I simply asked if this could be retrofitted to my ti since it's just a bit of safety reassurance (or peace of mind) to simply have it, it doesn't mean that it has to be on at all times... Once again thanks for all your comments, and hope everyone enjoys the read
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