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Old 02-08-2007, 11:25 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by campaiar View Post
Ok, so I went by the dealership on my way home last night, and found the ti to be sitting in the exact place I left it two days ago. So the whole thing about needing extra labor hours is probably bogus.

The hood was opened, so I peeked under for a bit. Yep, that engine still looks sweet under there... Still rather silent, but it looks good. NOTHING was apart, or looked out of place at all. I began to get really curious.

I headed in and talked to the service guy. He told me they have done all the diagnosis in the parking lot so far because it was a nice day, but they were going to get it back in the garage in a few minutes... Sure you were...

Anyhow, I told him to let me know how it goes. I stolled by it again on my way out, checking out the engine bay again before putting the hood down.

An hour and a half later he calls and says its running. He indicated that not only was the DME + & - feeds backwards, so were the + & - leads going to the EWS component.

I'm looking forward to examining my Bentley tonight when I get home to determine if that's indeed the case.

I'm picking it up at lunch..

I finished my swap. The motor cracks but won't start. Can you tell me what the dealer did to start your car. I think I face the same ews dme problems as you had.
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