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Old 01-22-2007, 11:58 PM   #5
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ive been down this road a few times now.. has a great write up about how to fix it... provided your regulator arms arn't bent.. which wouldn't surprise me if they were cause it sounds like you may have played with it quite abit even after it was broke... luckily i was expecting it and fixed it before doing any major damage to my regulator...

The hardest part of the whole job (in my situation) was getting the freakin arm joints to pop out of the sliders... i came up with a little trick... just wrap a cloth or rag around the arm, slide it as close to the plastic sliders as possible and hold the window in place with one hand, and use your other hand to pull on the rag.. and that should pop them out... i just broke the first ones off to replace with new, but i screwed it up the first crack at it and didn't make sure it was in the front channel, so i had to pop them out again and the cloth/rag trick helped avoid lots and lots of frustration.
11/97 Base


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